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Preferred At-Home Skate Sharpener

Sharpen Now, Pay Later | Financing Options Available Learn More

Commercial Payback Calculator

This calculator will help you understand the payback period and benefits of Sparx ownership.

Store Information

Where are you located?

How much do you charge customers for a skate sharpening today?


Approximately how many sharpenings do you currently do per year?

What is the hourly wage you pay for a manual sharpening technician?

Please include total wiat and processing time for all skates you typically bring to get sharpened.

Employees with no prior skate sharpening experience can be expert sharpeners with Sparx in less than an hour.

If you could hire non-experts to sharpen skates at your facility, what would their compensation be per hour?

Many shops have more sharpening demand during busy times than they can handle and this causes some customers to go to other locations or skip getting their skates sharpened due to the long wait.

If you could capture all of your sharpening demand, what % increase would that be over today's volume?

Do you want to include the cost of your existing (or proposed) manual equipment in this comparison exercise?


What is the cost for your existing or proposed sharpening equipment?

What time horizon would you like to use for this analysis?

Recommended, 5-10 years.



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