The Heart of the Sparx Sharpening Ecosystem

When thinking about purchasing a Sparx Sharpener, the first question you need to ask yourself is “How much is my time worth?” More often than not, you simply don’t have enough time in the day and sharpening without the Sparx Sharpener takes time.
With the Sparx Sharpener, there’s no need to plan your skate sharpening around your busy schedule. Rather than spending hours driving and waiting for your skates to be sharpened, now you can get perfect edges in just minutes.
If you spend just an hour a week driving and waiting for skates to be sharpened, that’s more than 30 hours of your time during a typical eight-month hockey season. How much is that time worth? At just $27/hour – that’s more than the price of the Sparx Sharpener!

For optimal performance, skates should be sharpened at least every four hours of ice time. If you play competitive hockey for eight hours a week – you should be getting your skates sharpened twice a week for peak performance.
At twice a week, with two hockey players in the household that’s more than $1,000 in skate sharpening a season – far more expensive than the Sparx Sharpener!
And how many times during the season did you forgot to get skates sharpened and had to play on dull skates? Increase performance and save time and money with the Sparx Sharpener.